Not too far from the trailhead we spooked some ravens who were enjoying the remains of this elk. It looked like coyotes had eaten most of it as none of the tracks around were big enough to be wolves.
We stopped for lunch near this bridge and hoped to see some otters but had to be content with watching a dipper preen himself.
On Wednesday we set out to do a little skiing and got caught up in it and wound up going 10 miles. It was an almost perfect day. My only complaint was that it was a bit too warm so the snow was slow and we didn't get as much of a ride on the downhills as we had hoped for. At the end of the day we came around the final bend only to discover that someone else wanted to use the trail. We took off our skis and started to climb up a side hill as the bison sauntered on by.
Dave is standing at an overlook of the Yellowstone river canyon.
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