Tuesday, March 9, 2010


It looks like Spring is here. About three to four weeks early. High temperatures have been in the 40s the last few weeks, and a lot of sunshine. Rivers opening up, walk ways melting. We may have done our last ski. It was doable but the skis clattered on the ice, and we had to walk some of the downhills -- ice packed luge runs. Guess we will look for bears. There are reports of a few out and about.


  1. Hi Bette and Dave! I love these pictures of the birds enjoying the open stream but I am puzzled as to the identity of the object featured in the bottom picture. Could you enlighten me?

  2. Maureen, it's a Bison. That's one of the horns sticking out of the water with the bit of ice around it. It died on the ice in early February. You can see the shadow of the hide up and to the left of the horn.

    Bears like to pull these out of the water when they come out in the Spring. Though, there probably isn't much left of this one after the wolves, coyotes, ravens, and eagles fed on it when the river was frozen.
